clyde was born and raised through the age of 18 in salt lake city, utah, where he first became involved in community service through the boy scouts of america and the sea scouts. he received a bachelor of science degree in forest management from utah state university after which he worked for the u.s. forest service, fighting forest fires and managing recreational areas.
picht then entered the u.s. air force and served 22 years, retiring as a lieutenant colonel at carswell afb in 1978. his military experience includes a combat tour in vietnam for which he received the distinguished flying cross with two oak leaf clusters - that means "ditto, ditto" - and the purple heart with two oak leaf clusters (see above definition).
following his distinguished military career, clyde worked as a flight instructor for american airlines, retiring in november 1996 after 18 years of flight crew training which included showing the ropes to the crew members of air force one. clyde would like to go up to the cockpit of any airplane in which he is riding, just to make sure the folks doing the flying know their stuff. but alas, after 9-11 that's just wishful thinking.
before joining the city council, clyde's local community service activities included serving as president, vice-president, and treasurer of the wedgwood east neighborhood association (wena). he was editor of the wena bulletin for six years and is currently involved in citizens on patrol.
after retiring from the city council in 2005 and taking a two year rest from public service, clyde has been urged by many in the community to come back and make another run in the upcoming may election. he is once again in the campaign mode and looking forward to being the voice of the people.
together with tru, a graduate of the university of texas southwestern medical center, and wife for going on fifty two golden years, they have raised four children. all are college graduates, one earning a ph.d. and two having earned mbas.